Initial setting for a thinkpad running OpenBSD

Initial setting for a thinkpad running OpenBSD

May 1, 2023
misc, thinkpad, OpenBSD

Taken from ~/.xsession

Disable system beep #

xset b off

Scrolling by dragging with the middle button and trackpoint #

xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation" 1 
xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation Button" 2 
xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Wheel Emulation Axes" 6 7 4 5 
xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "WS Pointer Middle Button Emulation" 3

Use Caps Lock as Control key #

setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps

Remap middle button to perform right click #

I find middle button to be easier to reach then the right button.

xinput set-button-map 7 1 3 3